Blame It All

Jeeves… he was a humble servant that tried to answer anything you could possibly ask it.

Everything has all gone downhill since then. We’ve got a world of emerging AI’s that are confidently incorrect, that are leading to greatly increase the amount of misinformation in the world.

This site is dedicated to poking fun at the AI’s to hopefully lead to a world of better AI usage.

We do not need more misinfomration in the world. The internet is an incredible communication tool. We should be using the internet to better the world, not fill people’s heads with complete garbage.

And with that… I start with my personal favorite search engine gaff… Sir Broken Back of Dig:

Sir Broken Back of Dig

This was discovered by a coworker of mine in a former job… We were riding around the site checking on all of the different jobs we had going on (it was a big site), and while talking… he asked “who invented the shovel” and typed it into Google. The answer of Sir Broken Back of Dig was confidently returned, and we had a great laugh about it. Google has since then fixed that response, but Bing, as shown above, still confidently returns the wrong answer.

What inspired the creation of this site was this though:

Batteries belong in the Ocean

Posted by, and the name and idea came from and .

I plan on keeping this up indefinitely, send me a toot with any other fun gaffes by confidently incorrect computers… the best way to bring attention to problems is by laughing at them, ask any comedian.
